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Angličtina ve stavebnictví - LEKCE 1

Paní Simona (učitelka na SPŠ stavební v Plzni) se s námi podělila o ukázkový materiál, jak propojit AJ a předmět pozemní stavitelství.  
Těšte se na další lekce a rady, jak studentům zpestřit hodiny angličitny.

Propojení předmětu ANG a Pozemního stavitelství

Paní Simona: "Učím na SPŠ stavební v Plzni a protože mám kombinovanou aprobaci, mohu promítnout látku těchto dvou předmětů dohromady a rozhodně mne tato výuka baví o hodně víc."

Tady je malá ukázka pro výuku ANG pro 1.ročník. Informace z oblasti typologie se záhy student dozví v předmětu Pozemní stavitelství, kde si vše na začátku zopakují a přidají podrobnější technické informace: 

After finishing this school you should be able to communicate at a higher level, not only in general, but also about technical problems in the area of civil engineering. You can work as a real estate agent, a designer, or a site manager.

At first we will talk about the basic types of houses and the parts/components of a building.


Lesson 1

If our client would like to have a new house and you are asked to help in choosing the one most suitable for their needs, there are several types which you can recommend and explain the pros and cons of each.

Use your classmate to show how to communicate with the client. The pictures can help you to illustrate your explanation.


Student A:

  • your dream/requirement is to have a house with a large garden near the woods and far from the crowded areas of the city.

Student B:

  • - a detached house is suitable for you, because there aren´t any other houses around you, there is lots of privacy, but it should be designed correctly according to the new rules which support using alternative sources of energy to protect the environment and also to save you money.


  • If you don´t prefer to be alone - you may decide to have a semi - detached house. This house has one common wall with the neighbouring house, so it is necessary to use good soundproofing insulation to protect your privacy. However, you can save money for heating because of this common wall. Another somewhat negative aspect is that the orientation of the rooms towards the north is limited.


  • Lots of people prefer a bungalow – a small house for one family, quite simple, not so expensive, with a small garden around it. These houses don´t have a cellar or basement.

It is also currently fashionable to live ina loft. This is the  uppermost floor of a building used as a space for living. You can find skylights here to allow daylight inside.


  • somechoose to live in a row of terraced houses – you have two common walls with your
  • Heating is more economical in this house because of those two walls, but the orientation of the rooms towards the north is more limited than in a semidetached house. If you prefer a large garden, this type isn´t ideal for you, because the garden is only as wide as your house.


Common vocabulary:





according to


a další dle potřeby skupiny


Specific vocabulary:

A detached house

A semidetached house

A bungalow

A terraced house


Alternative sources of energy

HeatingSoundproofing insulation




A detached house is a building which is surrounded by a garden on all sides and provides the most privacy.

A semidetached house is a building which shares one common wall with the neighbouring house.


A další

  + sada obrázků a pracovní list, sada lístečků s pojmy a studenti si je losují a pak každý z nich popíše či vysvětlí,, co daný pojem znamená.


15. 02. 2019 14:35:50

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